Tuesday, June 14, 2011

How to repair a leak in motorhome roof.

Had 4 leaks and rotten wood
     One of the most damaging events to happen to any motor home is to have a leak develop and not repair it for months or years. This will cause more damage to the framing and structure of a motor home than any other problem. The motor home in the picture had water damage because of four leaks that was never repaired. I had to repair the ceiling and replace rotten wood.Most motor homes have a frame that is built to support the cab and living area, and to save on weight these frames are often built with a light weight wood. When this wood is allowed to get wet it will set up rot which can often become serious in few years.
     I have owned motor homes which had to be completely rebuild because of water damage. With regular maintenance water damage can be prevented.
The first step in preventing water damage is to do a yearly inspection of the roof making sure to check seams and areas around vents and roof vents. These are the most important areas to check because these are the place where you motor home has cut holes and water will find a way to get in. I have seen motor home owners  who thought their vehicles roof was water tight, only to discover on a rainy night it wasn't. Once you have completed inspecting your roof, it is time to prevent leaks with a simple task. Instead of buying a high dollar roof coverage coating from your RV dealer, I always chose the least expensive route. I go to Wal-mart and purchase a good paint brush and roller painter to apply a product called "Cool-top" a white roof coating. It works great on metal roofs and will also work on rubber roofs as well.  It goes on like paint but it will work to stop any leaks you may have. Make sure you apply a thick coating with the paint brush around vents and window openings. Extend your coverage at least a foot beyond the vents or window vents. This will ensure that water will not get into any cracks or openings. If you have a metal roof and it has seams make sure you coat the seams a foot beyond. Once you have coated the roof, seams, and vents and let it dry, always apply another coat just to make sure. This coating will last a year or longer depending on your weather.
      If you think you have water damage in your motor home check for soft spots in your ceiling and any water stains. Also be careful while on the roof, it may not support your weight if their is rotten wood. Make sure each year to inspect your roof and apply roof coating as needed.  Keep going and get out there to see our great country.